New Hampshire

New Hampshire
NeighborWorks in New Hampshire
Total investment $17,100,666
Total housing and counseling services provided 2,662
Grants leverage $16 : $1
Jobs created and/or maintained 162
Customers counseled and educated 478

Helping residents take the wheel

A new program set up by a New Hampshire NeighborWorks network organization helps residents qualify for affordable car loans. Transportation in rural areas is a big issue, when economic barriers prevent some groups from engaging in basic services. 

FY2023 Impact in New Hampshire

We are deeply committed to ensuring accurate, reliable data. For the origins of various data points, visit Data Explanations.

    • image description

      Grants distributed from core appropriation

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      Rental homes

    • image description

      New homeowners

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      Rental homes constructed, acquired and preserved

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      Homeowners with preserved or rehabilitated homes

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      Homes repaired

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