Registration is now open for the NeighborWorks Training Institute in Philadelphia!

Learn from the Experts and Your Peers
The NeighborWorks Training Institute (NTI) is a five-day mobile university held twice each year in major cities throughout the United States. At this “mobile university” we train professionals who work in organizations that are large and small; nonprofit, for-profit and governmental; inner-city, suburban and rural. At the NTI, you’ll find more than 75 one-, two-, three- and five-day courses in the following content areas:
- Affordable Housing Development
- Homeownership and Community Lending
- Multifamily Asset Management
- Management and Leadership
- Community Engagement
- Native American Community Development
- Community Economic Development
- Community and Neighborhood Revitalization
- Construction and Production Management
- Rural Development
The courses you’ll take at NTIs can lead to valuable professional certifications, which in turn lead to greater impact in your work. And even better, these certifications enhance your career prospects – helping you, your organization and those you serve.
Each NTI also features a one-day symposium on a timely topic, instruction by expert practitioners and thought-leaders, free afternoon workshops and other timely sessions on innovative tools and methods, and abundant peer learning and networking opportunities. The activities outside of the classroom at our events bring your learning to life and reenergize the critical work you do back home.
Join fellow professionals from all 50 states and beyond to take your work and your career to the next level.
Have questions about our events or need guidance about our offerings? Contact Customer Response (phone 800-438-5547) for the answers you need!